Johnson County Genealogical Society
Johnson County
Genealogical Society
and Library, Inc.
Portrait found in Merriam KS--three children
Keeping the Memories of Family History Alive.

2025 JCGS Spring Seminar

 Please join us on Saturday, March 22, 2025, to fellowship with other genealogists and hear four outstanding lectures by Cheri Hudson Passey. 

February 2025 Monthly Meeting

Our next Monthly Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, February 15, 2025 at 10 AM in the Carmack Room at the Central Resource Library, and will feature the topic:
Immigrant Stories and the Records Behind Them
Every immigrant has a story. Which records will tell their stories? How do we analyze them? What tools are available to learn about where they came from? And how do we then tell their stories?
Speaker: Lauri Jean Swett
This JCGS meeting is free and open to the public.

JCGS 2025 Annual Membership Dues Renewal Reminder

As we approach the new year, we’d like to remind you that it’s time to renew your membership with the Johnson County Genealogy Society.
We offer the following convenient renewal options:
  1. Online: We encourage you to renew quickly and securely on our website at and pay using a credit card or PayPal.  Here is a PDF with step-by-step instructions for renewing on this web page. 

  2. In Person: Join us at the January Monthly Meeting on Saturday, January 25, where you can renew with a credit card, cash, or check.
  3. Mail a check to:
PO Box 12666
Overland Park, KS 66282
Your continued support helps us further our mission of promoting genealogy and family history research in our community. Thank you for being a valued member!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

Memory Lab Updates

For the most current information on the Memory Lab, please click on the Memory Lab menu tab in the blue column on the left.

Need One-on-One Help?

JCGS volunteers are available Monday - Saturday from 9-5 at the Genealogy Desk at the Johnson County Central Resource Library for general questions.  For those looking for a little extra help with either Basic Genealogy or DNA & Genetic Genealogy we also offer free one-on-one sessions that can be booked in advance.
If you would like to sign up for an appointment please use the appropriate button below to view the available appointment times and make a reservation.  If you would prefer to not use SignUpGenius, you may also email with your requested date and time.
Basic Genealogy sessions are available most Tuesday mornings. Sessions are in-person at the Central Resource Library unless Zoom is requested. 
This is not for brick wall or advanced research help.
DNA & Genetic Genealogy sessions are available most Friday mornings.



Upcoming Events
Irish Research Group
Wednesday, Feb. 19th
10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Central Resource Library, Conference Room 20
Family Tree Maker
Tuesday, Feb. 25th
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Online via Zoom
Creating Digital Albums
Thursday, Feb. 27th
1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
Central Resource Library, Conference Room 20

Mailing List
If you are a current member or are joining JCGS you will automatically receive the email notices and do not have to sign up here. This sign up is for visitors to our website.
Subscribe to our mailing list

Need Help?
You may contact us at any time for help using the website.
JCGS web team