Johnson County Genealogical Society
Johnson County
Genealogical Society
and Library, Inc.
Portraits from Stanley, KS only identified by
Keeping the Memories of Family History Alive.

2014 Annual Seminar

2014 Annual Seminar
Saturday October 25, 2014
8:15 a.m. to 4:00p.m.
The Ritz Charles Event Center
9000 West 137th Street, Overland Park, KS 66221
(913) 685-2600 ‎
For further information contact
Craig Scott Craig R. Scott
 Johnson County Genealogical Society is proud to present our speaker for 2014. Craig R. Scott, CG is President and CEO of Heritage Books, Inc., a genealogical publishing firm with over 4,200 titles in print. A researcher for more than twenty-six years, he specializes in the records of the National Archives, problem solving and publishing. He has been lecturing steadily since the 1990 National Genealogical Society Conference in Crystal City at local, state, and national levels. He has coordinated lecture tracks at IGHR and SLIG. He was awarded the Grahame T. Smallwood, Jr. Award by APG in 2008 and the UGA Silver Tray Award in 2009.
Topics will  include:
Finding Women: Maiden Name Not Known
Many times we have no clue about the maiden name of a wife. Research in sometimes little used sources may provide evidence of the family of the wife.

Quaker Migration
Quakers moved about two times in each generation. There were several reasons for why Quakers moved and they moved together.

Basic Military Research
How to accomplish the basics of military research from compiled military service records, pensions and bounty land.

Pension Research: You Stopped Too Soon
How to accomplish pension research from pension law, application files, pension ledgers, payment voucher, last and final payments.
The Ritz Charles Event Center
9000 West 137th Street, Overland Park, KS 66221
(913) 685-2600 ‎
Ritz Charles Event Center outside view